Modified Jessner Peel

  • The Modified Jessner Peel removes the top layers of the skin to reveal new, fresh and younger looking skin from underneath. This peel also stimulates the collagen production, fading away lines and wrinkles. The Modified Jessner Peel is a progressive treatment that will not produce the final result after one use. For best results, a semi-monthly peel is recommended for acne-prone skin, while a monthly peel is recommended for hyperpigmented skin.

    It is highly recommended to use the entire Bio Jouvance Paris Acid Peel Kit for better results.

  • Step 1: Cleanse the face.
    Step 2: Apply EMA 15% AHA Pre-Peel Solution.
    Step 3: Apply Modified Jessner Peel.
    Step 4: Spray Post-Peel Neutralizer.
    Step 5: Spray Post-Peel Vita Mist.

    Note : It is highly recommended to finish the treatment with 4in1 SPF50 Sunscreen.

  • Ethanol, Organic Vegetable Glycerin, Glycolic Acid, Mandelic Acid, Azelaic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Sodium Benzoate.